
Doctor Ross Previews

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Doctor Ross previews…

Okay. I may not have full "episodes" ready, but I thought-for my birthday gift to you all-I'd show pieces that ARE ready.

The Sound of Drums

The elected leaders of Sinnoh and the mayor's pokemon-a sneasal with grey eyes-sat on a table. Glancing at a clock, the sneasal pulled a gas mask and pulled it over his mouth.

"Wait. Why is he doing that?" An official asked and the sneasal pulled the mask off and responded "It's for the gas" before pulling it back on.

Before anyone else could respond, grey sections of the table suddenly lifted out spilling out a foul, grey gas. As everyone collapsed and died, the only one unaffected was the sneasel, tapping out a four rhythem beat on the table.

unknown episode

"Doctor Ross" spotted a jar of peanut butter on the table and stuck his fingers into it and started to lick them off.

"(Uh-uh!)"  Saria scolded him-seriously...for being over 900 years old he could be such a child!

Gazing to either side of him, he quietly slid the still-open peanut butter jar behind his back.

The Satan Pit

The strange creature's voice echoed through everyone's mind as the raichu glared down at the deep pit.

"I know him as he knows me in time-the killer of his own kind."

"(Killer....of his own kind?....Ross?)" Saria asked.

The End of Time,

"You just had to get stuck in there!" Ross  growled out, gazing at the glass contraption. It had two entrances, and one side only opened when the other locked shut.

"The radioactive core is breaking down...soon, it'll let loose thousands of rads of radiation...." With that, "Doctor Ross" pulled out his sonic screwdriver. "Even using this will set it off."

"Oh...." Scratch said, starting to realize how much trouble he was in.

"IT'S NOT FAIR! I COULD DO SO MUCH MORE!" The raichu shouted, tears forming in his eyes as he slammed a fist into a table.

"(Ross....)" Saria said, tentatively approaching him.

"We'll find a way" Elisa said, gazing over the device.

"No! No one is going to die!" the raichu said, "Scratch, on my mark, run!"

With that he pulled over the other door and pressed a button, releasing Scratch who ran out and turned around.

A red light suddenly lit up inside Ross's section as unbelievable amounts of radiation flooded his small canister. A terrible scream ripped from his mouth of unbearable pain, as he fell and curled into a ball.

Without warning, the lights suddenly shut off and the raichu stood up and pressed on the door, which opened.

"Oh now it opens..." He muttered with a small cough.

"What?! What was that?!" Elisa asked.

"I-I absorbed the radiation." Ross said.

"( least you get some cool scars!)" Scratch said, pointing at the deep scratches on his face.

Ross put his hands on his face and pulled down-the scars vanishing.

"Wha?! How'd you do that?!" Elisa asked, and Ross gazed at his paws.

"It's starting." Was all he said and everyone teared up.

"(No big brother! I don't want you to change! You're the most wonderful Pokemon on the planet please....don't change...)" Scratch cried out, hugging him.


Ross gazed down at the controls of the TARDIS and then turned around and gazed at the door before uttering his last words as a raichu.

"I don't want to go."

Without warning, his paws and face started glowing with a bright gold light, which soon covered his entire body. Flinging his head upwards and arms out, the light blasted out-becoming fire that blasted the windows of the TARDIS out. Sections started to collapse under the strain of the powerful regeneration.

Flashes started to be seen through the light as the voice of the scream changed becoming...younger. With an abrupt halt, the light faded leaving an emolga where the raichu stood.

"Legs! I've still got legs!" He said, pulling on his legs.

"Eyes. Two. Nose....had worse. Chin....blimey! Arms, hands fur-warm fingers." then his hands went to the scruff at the base of his neck.

".....I'm a girl!" before his hands went to check his throat. "No....Not a girl...."

Then he pulled sections of fur in his line of vision. "And...and STILL NOT GINGER!"

The Eleventh Hour

The young eevee stared in wonder as the blue Police Box-still smoking-had apparently crash-landed in her yard after making a wish.

Suddenly an emolga's head popped out of it. "Hello!" He said, before hopping out of it.

"(Who are you?)" The eevee asked, staring at him.

"I don't know. I'm still cooking." He replied.

"Can I have an apple? That's all I can think about...apples....that's odd. Never had cravings before." He said.

Inside the building, the eevee got Ross a gleaming yellow apple.

"Thanks." He said, taking a bite....

and promptly spit it out.

"That disgusting! What is that?!" He said.

"An apple." The eevee said.

"Apples are rubbish. I hate apples."

The Doctor, The Widow, and the Wardrobe

"Are you okay?" The human asked as she knelt down.

"I'm fine." Ross's muffled voice called out.

"....How'd you put on your space-suit backwards?" She asked.

"I got dressed in a hurry." Ross said.


"Okay!" The talking emolga (Ross) said, taking the human mother and her two children on a tour of their new house. "Next there's the sitting room...just chairs...kind of useless without a television so I...fixed it up a bit."

The lounge chairs were moving sporadically across the floor.

"Next! Kitchen! We've got three faucets! One for hot, one for cold, and one for lemonade."

"Wait. Lemonade?!" the mother asked.

"I know!" Ross said, sounding proud of himself.

The Day of the Doctor

"Well it's very Timey-Wimey." the emolga said, quoting a very thing the raichu said.

"Timey-Wimey?!" The kadabra asked.

"I-I have no idea where he gets those things" the raichu said, suddenly looking uncomfortable.
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