
Naruto Doom: intro, The cycle of Samsara

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To let all of the Naruto Fans know, I won't be including Sasuke and Hinata. Sasuke will be replaced with another character that would bring less...plot issues. As for Hinata...I'm sorry, but I actually have no way of fitting her into the plot as there is another female character replacing her.

I will be using English translation of techniques. Such as "Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation" instead of things like "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu"....the only reason I'm not typing the literal Japanese because I don't know how to put the lines over the letters in Sta.Sh or commas over letters...sorry everyone.   

Also, the "pairings" are to honor my friends:

Mary, Aka "JagQueen", A sister in all but blood to me who recently started college at University of Michigan Dearborn.

Katie, (who doesn't have a Deviantart Account yet) Mary's younger sister and another sister in all but blood.

Jenna, aka "TamarinFrog", a fellow artist who has kept me going strong. I've not known her to put down another artist and her "Random Doom" series is one of the best I've ever read on this site.  Her characters are EXTREMELY well fleshed-out and developed, making you really care for them.  My personal favorite is Ross the Raichu. He is like me in some ways; I'm very shy and not very confident around new people, and I'm socially awkward. Those who get through those find a loyal friend; a lot like Ross's character. (His painfully shy behavior around his crush, Saria the Leafeon is a little funny but I can't help but think perhaps I would be like that when I get a crush. Right now I'm very busy in University but after that....) Well Jenna, I hope you like monkeys, because I'm going to have your character "Elisa" become a Monkey Summoner. After all, only the Third Hokage was shown using them, and no one else in their family ended up carrying that mantle after his death....

Why this is a Naruto/"Random Doom" crossover, with Random Doom characters becoming "Naruto" characters while retaining their core personalities. I went onto a translation site to get the Japanese version of their names...but....I was unable to find the Japanese version of "Veruka"....Sorry Jenna.

So, Veruka's name is "Akane", which means "Brilliant Red".

Vincent is "Binsento"

Elisa is "Erisa"

Cotton is "Kotton"

Napoleon is "Naporeon"

Matthew is "Mashu"

Sibelius is "Shiberiusu"

Elizabeth is "Erizabesu"

Scratch is "Surikizu"

Ross is "Rosu"

And Saria is....Saria...

So the oldest will be Matthew and Elizabeth, followed by Cotton, Napoleon, and Elisa. Younger than her is Vincent, and Veruka, who are older than Naruto in part 1 (12). Ross and Saria are the same age as Naruto in Part 1. Younger than them are Sibelius and Scratch, who are 9 in part 1. I'm not very good at math, so don't expect exact ages.


Konohagakure: Village Hidden in the Leaves

Mizugakure: Village Hidden in the Mist

Tetsu no Kuni: Land of Iron

Hi no Kuni: Land of Fire

Mizu no Kuni: Land of Water

And now, I proudly present: 

Naruto Doom! 

Afterlife: After the Random Doom series.

Theme: Saika

Ross and Saria sat curled up next to each other near the rest of their friends. To think that Danny and Merry had outlived all of them due to his thieving lifestyle. Though, then again, you couldn't really kill ghosts.

Yet, all of them wondered what would it be like to go back and change things. For Ross and Saria, they would have liked to act upon their feelings for each other earlier. Sure they had an amazing son in Benjamin, but what would life be like if they hadn't spent so much time nervously hiding their feelings for each other?

For Veruka and Matthew, they wondered if they had been able to better control their temper. How many times had anger caused trouble for themselves or those around them?

For Vincent, while he had matured, he wondered how things would be like if he hadn't spent so much time bumbling around. Looking back, pouring a bucket full of Luvdic and WATER on a FIRE type wasn't the best way to be romantic. 

Elisa wondered how things would change if she could have understood her friends better. There was a distinct language barrier between her and what her Pokemon were saying. Could she have saved some trouble back in Veilstone City? 

Scratch...he just wanted to meet a ninja, while Sibelius wanted meet a pirate. 

Elizabeth wondered what life would be like if there were no species barriers between her and Matthew.

Napoleon and Cotton wondered what life would be like if they could have been better with understanding the feelings of the other...sure they had raised a nice Zoura named Morrigan, but Napoleon once nearly drove Cotton away.

Just then, in this peaceful realm, a tear opened up and a figure floated out of the tear.  He was an older man, skin and red hair grayed with age. His eyes were completely purple with concentric rings around the pupil. On his forehead was a red marking similar to his eyes, and two small horns protruded upwards from his forehead; one on either side of the marking.  Around his neck was a necklace with six magatama. (For Pokemon fans, thing of something the shape of the cascade badge with a hole in the middle of the largest section).

He wore a white kimono with six black magatama designs around the collar and he held a black staff with two ends; one end was a black incomplete circle similar to a crescent moon and the other end was a golden circle with six golden rings in it representing the sun. 

Finally the man spoke. "Peace. I am not here to harm anyone. It is the exact opposite. I need your help." 

"Um...not to be rude, but who exactly are you?" Elisa asked.

"My name is Otsutsuki Hagoromo...or as you would say it, Hagoromo Otsutsuki. Where I am from everyone introduces themselves with their family name first." Hagoromo stated, his ringed eyes gazing upon the group.

Elisa stared back, taking in the....strange...appearance. No human nor Pokemon she had seen had such an appearance.

"There is a Prophecy in my world about it either being destroyed or saved by the descendants of my two sons, Indra and Asura. Indra's descendants became the Uchiha Clan and Asura's descendants became the Senju and Uzumaki Clans. However, Indra's chakra has thrown off the balance of Light and Dark and I believe Indra's next reincarnation might destroy the world I lived in." Hagoromo explained, "Which is why I need people to help the Child of Prophecy. I must step in and alter Indra's next descendant...someone more...pure..." 

"And you chose us." Elisa summarized.

"You may have no idea how my world works, but you will keep a mastery of a are associated with and be reborn in a new, human body."

"(Human?!)" All of the Pokemon shouted at once, utterly shocked. 

"Indeed." Hagoromo said, stretching out his hands to the side before clasping them together and calling out "Outer Path: Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique!" and their vision turned white.

On Naruto's World...

In Mizu no Kuni, a boy with dark blue hair and red eyes was born. He was named Mashu. In Hi no Kuni, a girl with red eyes and blonde hair named Erizabesu was born.

Two years later, a girl with curly pink hair named Kotton was born in Hi no Kuni to a merchant family, while a boy with white hair and orange eyes was born into Mizugakure's Hozuki Clan; who possessed a secret Water Release Technique that could transform their bodies into a liquid form. This child was named Naporeon.

To a civilian family in Konohagakure, a girl with amber hair and brown eyes was born. She was named Erisa, and as she grew she developed a fascination for Lightning Release Techniques, and her special heirloom was a strange piece of "jewelry" her family found; an orange jewel in the shape of an octagon with yellow, pointed "sunflower-like" decorations around it. (Thunder Badge from Pokemon).

One year after she was born, another girl was born to a civilian family in Konohagakure. She had bright red hair with and green eyes, and would develop a fascination of Fire Release Techniques. Her name was Akane.

In Tetsu no Kuni, a boy with black hair and red eyes was born to a samurai family. He meant well, but his clumsiness interfered with his desire to help people. He was named Binsento.

Years later, in Konohagakure's Uchiha Clan, a boy was born to a couple. He had their trademark dark hair, though his was more of an extremely dark shade of brown instead of black, and his black eyes had a tint of green. He was named Rosu.

A few months later, a girl with brown hair and eyes was born into Konohagakure's Senju Clan. She was named Saria.  

That October 10th, the Kyuubi no Yoko (9-Tailed Fox) suddenly appeared in Konohagakure. In the few moments it had, it caused a lot of chaos and terror. Konohagakure's beloved 4th Hokage (Fire Shadow; Leader of the Village) gave his life to seal away the beast into one newborn: Uzumaki Naruto.

Three years after that Mashu's Nephew, Shiberiusu was born; as was Rosu's younger brother Uchiha Surikizu.

Rosu (Ross): Age 4. 

"Mom? Dad? Who are we meeting?" Rosu asked, peering from behind his dad's legs.

"We're meeting with a few members of the Senju Clan." His mother replied, smiling gently at the timid child.

"Couldn't I have stayed with Itachi?" Rosu asked, averting his gaze.

"I'm sorry, but the others are very busy. Fugaku is leading our Clan and his son Itachi is out on a mission." His dad said.

Rosu pouted, "He's always busy...He always helped me when I was younger." 

"Now can't always rely on others." His mom said, stopping and rubbing the boy's head. They gazed upon the large building with the Senju Clan symbol.

Senju Clan symbol

In in front of the door was a couple with dark borwn hair and eyes, and a young girl around Ross's age; who was smiling at everything around her.

"Hello! I'm Senju Saria! Who are you?" She asked, walking up to the nervous boy.

"U-Uchiha...R-Rosu" He stammered. 

"It's nice to meet you!" She said cheerfully, "I'm sure we'll be great friends! Want to play hide and seek?"

"But we have nothing to hide in." Ross said, gazing upon the empty street.

"I can change that!" She said, slamming a hand on a ground where a bunch of small trees broke through the ground, startling everyone around her.

"T-The Wood Release of the First Hokage?!" Rosu's dad said, stepping back in shock.

"How?! She's the great-granddaughter of the Second Hokage!" Saria's dad said, "The Second was a master of Water Release!" 

Unaffected about the shock of the adults, Saria tugged on Rosu's hands. "Come on! Let's play!" 

"This friendship may lead to the end of the rivalry between the Uchiha and Senju Clans." Saria's mother said quietly.

This was only the beginning. Elisa and her friends had entered the cycle of Samsara: the Cycle of Life, Death, and Reincarnation...unaware of their former selves with only fragments of memories about their former lives. They knew that the had friends, but didn't know who. They were also blissfully unaware of their purpose about their reincarnation in this world....

To help bring peace in this war-torn world and prevent it's destruction!

End of the Introduction chapter!
Hello everyone! TamarinFrog, I hope that you will like how I present your characters in the future!

BladeSquall, I REALLY did try to put this story off, but writing it on paper only allowed me to make tweaks and made the urge to show it to the public stronger.

Music I listend to while writing this chapter:

Radioactive (cover) >…

Saika (Link in story)

The Guts to Never Give Up >…

Departure to the Front Lines >…

Raising Fighting Spirit >…

Gekiha >…

Flying Light >…
© 2015 - 2024 MichiganWolf
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RenegadeSpirit's avatar
Great, but be better than me.